Favrin S.r.l.
Via del Pian, 3 - 31049 - Bigolino di Valdobbiadene (TV)
Phone: +39 0423 980334 Email: commerciale@favrinsrl.it
Bubble washing, sorting, and crate packing of field produce with tables
Bubble washing, sorting, and crate packing of field produce with tables
January 2019 - Campania - Caserta, Agricultural company: The project involves Radishes, zucchinis, eggplants, peppers with processing stages that include Bubble washing - Manual sorting. Standard starting products: VLR30/30. Bubble washing, manual sorting, and boxing of field product thanks to dockside hook-up tables. If you also need machinery to work with radishes, zucchinis, eggplants, peppers and our standard starting product VLR30/30 is not sufficient, do not hesitate to contact us.
  • Avellino

  • VLR

  • Radishes, Zucchini, Eggplants, Bell Peppers

  • Farm

  • Bubbling wash, Manual sorting