Favrin S.r.l.
Via del Pian, 3 - 31049 - Bigolino di Valdobbiadene (TV)
Phone: +39 0423 980334 Email: commerciale@favrinsrl.it
Height-adjustable washing tank for discharge of sprouts and separation from husks
Height-adjustable washing tank for discharge of sprouts and separation from husks
March 2022 - Tuscany - Florence, Food processing company: The project involves Soy sprouts with processing stages that include Bubble washing. Standard starting products: VLO20/8. Bubble washing tank with the application of an adjustable height profile for automated unloading of washed sprouts of various kinds and separation from the husks confined at the bottom of the tank. If you also need machinery to work with soy sprouts and our standard starting product VLO20/8 is not sufficient, do not hesitate to contact us.
  • Toscana

  • VLO

  • Soy Sprouts

  • Food processing company

  • Bubbling wash