Favrin S.r.l.
Via del Pian, 3 - 31049 - Bigolino di Valdobbiadene (TV)
Phone: +39 0423 980334 Email: commerciale@favrinsrl.it
Bubble washing tank for dandelion and other leafy products
Bubble washing tank for dandelion and other leafy products
August 2021 - Veneto - Vicenza, Agricultural company: The project involves Dandelion and other leaf products with processing stages that include Bubble washing. Standard starting products: VLO20/8. Bubble washing tank for dandelion and other typical leaf products of the area. If you also need machinery to work with dandelion and other leaf products and our standard starting product VLO20/8 is not sufficient, do not hesitate to contact us.
  • Veneto, Italy

  • VLO

  • Leafy Products, Dandelion

  • Farm

  • Bubbling wash